Friday, 27 July 2012

It's a Melancholic Kind of Feeling

(Taken from
Here I lie, in my not-at-all-warm-enough bed, with a beanie over my head and Colbie Caillat's I Never Told You emanating from my laptop. I really want to go to sleep to escape from this dreadfully despondent mood that I'm in, but my excitement for the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony which is starting in little under an hour is what's keeping me awake.

Right now, I want:

A brownie
A warmer bed
To be cuddled

But apparently that's too much to ask for, so, for now, I'll just have to be content with Colbie and the Olympics, which aren't too bad, I guess.

Colbie and the Olympics. Pretty cool band name, me thinks.

1 comment:

  1. obviously that is certainly too much to inquire about, thus, for now, I'll just have to be happy with Colbie as well as the Olympic games, who are not it is a shame, RS 2007 Gold
